Often times when sending email marketing, you will want to include an image like your logo or a special offer in your message. This article will show you how to upload an image into your email campaigns. 

Whether you are Creating a New Campaign, Editing an Existing Campaign, or using an Email Template, your steps will be the same to add an image. To see help articles on how to set up any of those emails, go to https://rcscateringsoftware.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/folders/6000212565

**Please note: Only JPEG Images can be uploaded to email campaigns. A size limit of 2MB is enforced with email images.**

For a short video explaining the following steps, see below:

1. Once you have gotten to the HTML Message Section of your campaign, click on the Image Icon highlighted in the screenshot below. 

2. A window will open up on your screen. Click the Upload tab. 

3.  Click Choose File

4. Select the image that you would like uploaded and click open. **PLEASE NOTE: THIS MUST BE IN JPEG FORMATTING OR YOUR IMAGE WILL NOT UPLOAD**


5. Once you have selected the image to be uploaded, click Send It To The Server. 

6. Here you can adjust the width and height of your image if necessary. 


7.  Click OK.


8. Now your image should be uploaded to your email message. Use the alignment tools shown below to center, align left or right. 


9. Write Plain-Text Message. Images will not be shown in this section, so be sure to type a message here. 


10.  Once you have completed these steps, click Save and Continue. From there you can continue on with the remaining steps of setting up your email campaign. 
