Lighthearted Lunch Monthly Post Cards are designed to be just that…lighthearted! These postcards are created with different light jokes and a Sunday comic on the front, and a special offer or discount for your catering business on the back.

If you have not already met with Jillian Davis to have these designed, please go to or call her at 615-671-9290.

1. After logging into your CaterZen account, go to the Marketing Tab.

2. After opening the Marketing tab, click Lighthearted Lunches Postcard

3. You will notice two sections here. This is where you will choose who gets what post card. 

A. If you are sending out a post card with a coupon on the back (most popular option), you will use the settings on the left. 

B. If you are sending out a postcard with a promotional graphic on the back, you will choose the settings on the right. 

4. Now you will select who you want to receive your post cards. You have a few options

    A. Send to Prospects: This will send to anyone in your CRM that is checked off as a prospect.

    B. Customers from a specific CRM group

    C. Customers Who Have Ordered In the Last X Amount Of Days


 D. Customers Whose Average Order is over X Amount of Dollars

    E.  Customers that Belong to A Company

5. After selecting who you would like to send your post card to, click Update Criteria.

6. You can also click Preview Recipients to see a list of everyone that will receive the post card. 

7. Next, you will choose which months you would like turned on. Simply check the box next to the month that you want to use. 

8.  After selecting your months, you will select the coupon offer that you want to use during that month on the back of the card. (Skip this step if you are using a Promo Graphic)

9. If you are using a promo graphic instead of a coupon, you click Choose File instead, and select the file that you want uploaded.

10.  After selecting the file, click Upload Image

12. Once you have completed those steps, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will be able to preview your post cards. Simply Select the Month and which backing you set up, and click Preview Your Lighthearted Lunch Postcard.

13. If you ever want to turn off your Lighthearted Post Cards, you can click Deactivate Your Campaign.

You have now learned how to turn on your Lighthearted Lunch Postcards.