In this article we will go over the Order List Report.  The order list will allow you to view all the orders that you have in your your account.   You will have the option for parameters to view specific orders.   Once all the parameter have been selected then the Excel file will show:  Customer Name and Phone, Company Name, Date Order was Created, Date Order was Ready for, Date Order was Sent, Restaurant Location Address, Is the Order Open, Is the Order Cancelled, Total Price, Tax Amount, Tax Rate, Tip Amount, Coupon Amount, Coupon Name, Order Type, Order Notes and Delivery Address.

1 - Click on the More tab - Reports tab - Data Export tab.

2 - Next click on the Order List link.

3 - Next you will have parameters that you can choose.  Make sure to check off the the box to the left of the parameter you want to select.

4 - Description of the Parameters:

A - Order Created Between - select the dates the order was created 

B - Schedule to be Ready between - you can choose the date the order is to ready 

C - Price is equal to or greater than - you can select a price for the order

D - Is still Open - is the order still open or closed

E - Has No Tax - does the order have any items that are not taxed

F - Has 0% Tax Rate  - is the order tax exempt

G - Is Cancelled - was the order cancelled

H - Is For - choose the type of order type

I - Customer name contains - you can choose a specific customer or name(s)

J - Company Industry equals - you can choose which industry the company belongs to

K - Company Employee Size equals - you can choose the employee size of the company

L - Company Name is - you can look up a specific company

M - Include only these Locations - you can choose which location 

Note - remember to check the box to the right of the parameter that you are selecting.

4 - Once you are done with the parameter selections you can click on the Generate Report tab.

5 - Your report will then download to your computer.  Note you can have your report emailed to you by clicking the Click Here link.

6 - You will then be able to view your report in Excel.

You have now learned how to use the Order Report List