There are three ways to delete an order.  One way is through the Overview tab, another way  is through the CRM tab and the last way is through Order Details page under the drop down box.

Here is a video that will show you the step by step instructions on how to delete an order 3 different ways.

Here are the step by step instructions with screen shots on how to delete an order 3 different ways.


1. Click on the Overview tab and then click on the View All Orders tab.

2. Next Select Date Range for the order and click on Apply Filters tab.

3. Your orders will appear below.   Find the order and look for the Action column.  Then choose the Delete icon.

4. Confirm that you do want to delete this order.  

5.  The order has been deleted.   Please note this can not be undone.


1. Click the CRM tab and type in the customer name in the Search box.

2. Click the Customers Name (link). 

3. Click on the Orders icon.

4. Locate the order by date.   Look for the Action column.  Click on the Delete Icon.

5. Confirm that this is the order you want to delete.

6. Your order has now been deleted.  This action can not be undone.

C. ORDER DETAILS PAGE *note this is the only way to delete an order if the contact has been removed from your CRM database.

1 - Click on the Overview tab and locate the order and then click on the Order Id link

2 - Using Choose a Function drop down box

3 - You will then see the option to Delete Order.

4 - A pop up box will appear making sure this is the order you want to delete.  You will click on OK

You have now learned the 3 ways to delete an order.