In this article we will be going over the BEST and FASTEST way to refund an order that has been paid and the menu items that were ordered need to be adjusted as well.  

For example:  A customer places an order on Monday to be delivered on Friday.   The order is for 25 ppl.  They customer then pays for the order on Monday.   On Wednesday the customer calls to adjust the order to 15 ppl.   This article will show you how to REFUND the order and ADJUST the order to show the correct amount of menu items that were ordered/ needed.

Another example:  Would be if an order has been delivered and an item or something else has been left off of the order.  So maybe the client ordered 25 brownies and the brownies were not delivered.  You would then need to refund the client for the amount of the brownies.  This would be an example of refunding the items.

Below is a video that will show you how to refund an order that has already paid and menu items need to be adjusted.

Below are Step by Step Instructions on how to refund an order that has already been paid and menu items need to be adjusted.

1 - Click on the Accounting tab

2 - Click on the Invoices link

3 - Look for the invoice that you need to create a refund for.

4 - Click on the Order Id link

5 - The order will then open up

6 - Then from the Drop Down Box choose Open Order For Editing and then click Proceed

7 - Adjust the menu item in the order that needs to be changed.

8 - Save Changes to this order

9 - Choose the option/ tab:  Adjust the Total Due on this Invoice & Issue a Refund

10 - The next page you will see is the Refund Page

11 - You can choose method/ how you want to refund the order

12 - If you are refunding a credit card - make sure the box for the Processor is checked off when you are refunding to a Credit Card

13 - Select the Previous Transaction that you want the refund to apply too

14 - Click Save This Refund tab

15 - The next payment will show you the payment and refund information

16 - To see the details of the refund you can click the Edit icon 

17 - The refund information will then appear

18 - To see the refund and payment applied to the invoice, click on the Accounting tab

19 - Click the Invoice link

20 - Look for the invoice and you will then see the Payment and Refund issued.

You have now learned how to issue a refund to an order that needed menu items adjusted.