In this article we will go over how to managing the 2FA settings and passwords for your employees.

Below is a video that will show you how to manage your 2FA settings

Below are step by step instructions and pictures on how to manager your 2FA settings.

Notes for employees who DO NOT have access to Admin Settings (this setting will not be checked off for your employees who do not have access)

1 - If your employee does not have access to the Admin page; instead of seeing the Admin tab they will see a Settings tab.  This will allow your employee to manage their Password and change the 2FA settings.

Change Password link:  You will then type in your current password and then the new password you would like to use.   Do not forget to click Save this Information when done. 

Change 2FA method: here you can delete out a the current 2FA setting as well as create a new 2FA setting.

Notes for employees who DO have access to Admin Settings

2 - For employees who do have access to the Admin tab they can access the manage their Password and change the 2FA settings page by clicking the Admin tab - Account User Settings bubble.

3 - There you can change your Password by clicking the Change Password link

4 - You can also change your 2FA method by clicking the Manage 2FA Settings link

5 - The Manage 2FA settings allows the user to manage their 2FA methods - Remove Remember Devices - and Add Additional 2FA methods

6 - NOTE:  removing a 2FA method will force the user to re-set up their 2FA method the next time they login.   To learn more about creating a 2FA method please see this article:

7 - ADMIN's ONLY when editing an employee, the admin can remove the employee's 2FA method and remembered devices.  

8 - NOTE:  anytime a user's changes their password (or admin changes for them) the 2FA remembered devices will be reset.

You have now learned how to access the 2FA settings.